Everyone introduced themselves, large turnout.
Spring Cleanup Annual Event
Dumpster was a big success and will become an annual event.
Tax Assessments
Taxes have gone up. Two week window to argue assessments, informally calling assessor, appeals process, wraps up by June/July. Call City and then City will call Wright County. (See latest Blog, Thanks Anne)
Architectural Control committee (ACC) All ACC plans must still go through Oakland Homes. The HOA does not control the ACC. Only after the lots have been sold.
Number of lots left, about 12.
Oakland will relinquish control when all lots are built.
Rental Properties, Is renting allowed? Question was asked. In Article IX, section 9, states:
Section 9. Leasing. Any lease between an Owner and a non-Owner occupant shall be in writing and shall provide that the terms of the lease shall be subject to all respects of the provisions of the Declaration, the Articles Incorporation, and the By-Laws of the Association, and shall provide that any failure by the Non-Owner occupant to comply with the terms of such document shall be default under the lease. Other than the foregoing, there shall be no restrictions of the use of a Living Unit my a non-Owner occupant.
Covenant Discussion Process explained - processed emailed to Homeowners The process uses City leverage, if applicable.
Feedback - discussion regarding complaints with ordinance, anonymous complaints (Not approaching Neighbors). Discussed problem someone nit-picking, without formal party. City does keep your name anonymous.
Someone commented that they don't want a type of neighborhood that hides behind the board to enforce covenant rules. It was acknowledged that some people don't like to be told that they are in violations of rules.
It was also discussed that consider that the complaining party will not be anonymous if legal action is taken. (This needs to be added to the process that the party filing the complaint is not anonymous, but during the complaint process their name is private.)
Some Homeowners would like to be notified prior to a formal complaint, others are not comfortable in doing so.
The board took the position that if you can have open communication or friendly relations with your neighbor, talk to them regarding the violation or issue, do so, but it's optional. (Update process to include, talking to neighbor about complaint, if comfortable in doing so.)
Fishing on Big Pond
The large and small ponds are private property. There is an easement for the park trail. Fishing has become an issue on Oaklands property as well as other's.
Chris Magnuseen to contact Oakland to put no trespassing signs, if necessary, in empty Lots so that city can allow enforcement. If people are on your property without permission, ask them to leave and notify them that they are trespassing, if they refuse, call 911 and explain the issue.
Sign Vehicles (work vehicles) Parking issues, letters went out. Discussed definition of reasonable work vehicles, dump trucks vs work vans. HOA sent out guidelines, with signs, do neighbors mind? Some peoples work vehicles are their primary vehicle.
It was agreed by by the board and meeting attendees that work vans are not an issue.
Non-operative vehicles is not permitted. Board members are not carrying around clipboards looking for violations.
Other Parking Issues Please do not park or allow your guests to park in front of the mail boxes during the day, since mail will not be delivered.
HOA Projects Staining Mailboxes HS public service, HS students. Fix, busted mailbox. Bids/Volunteers – Bob Caron
Monument Cleanup Organize project or pay landscapers. Volunteer is need to coordinate (Monument chair person), please contact Rob.
Open Board Positions Dan's board position is up (1 year term). Note, the first year board terms were staggered, 1, 2, and 3 Year. Board positions after that are 3 year term. Board members involvement less then 5 hours a month.
Elected new Board member was elected - Chris Magnussen. Thanks Dan for all your hard work setting up the HOA and involvement. Dan has graciously volunteered to continue to do our accounting (treasurer).
Open Discussions Pet complaints - other association (Crow River Landings I) - Some pet owners from the park path are allow their pets to "go" on river properties. Summer block party, are we going to have it? Yes.
Meeting ended 7:55pm
We had a great turn out! Thanks to all that attended.
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