Saturday, December 20, 2008

2008 Holiday Decorating Voting

Thanks to everyone in the neighborhood for their fantastic holiday decorations. It is nice to drive down the street and see all the houses glowing. Holly took photos of all the houses which you can find in the gallery. We narrowed the field down to four for purposes of voting - so cast your votes (on the right) for your favorite who will receive $50. One vote per household (batteries not included, some restrictions apply).

House 1

House 2

House 3

House 4

Friday, November 28, 2008

2008 Holiday Decorating Contest

Happy Holidays!

To start off the holiday season, the TLCR II Home Owners Association would like to announce the second annual Holiday Home Decorating contest.

The selected winner will receive $50.00.

We will select the top three houses and put them up for a vote on this site on December 17th with voting closing on the 23rd.

Last Year's Gallery

As this notice is going out via email and we are missing the following families email addresses, please enlighten them!


Rob, Chris, and Chris

Block Party

Better late than never? Holly shared some of her great photography of the Summer block party. You can find them here:

2008 block party

If you don't have a snapfish account you can sign in as:
password : association

Thanks Holly!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Neighborhood Services

We had some inquiries to share services offered by members of the association, so we put together an online form to allow people to enter in their own service offerings. Things such as party hosting, moonlighting, lawn mowing, and babysitting can go in here. You can also enter in companies you have done business with locally that you want to recommend to others in the neighborhood.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

TCRLII Agenda Minutes

Started 07:05 pm


Everyone introduced themselves, large turnout.

Spring Cleanup Annual Event

Dumpster was a big success and will become an annual event.

Tax Assessments

Taxes have gone up. Two week window to argue assessments, informally calling assessor, appeals process, wraps up by June/July. Call City and then City will call Wright County. (See latest Blog, Thanks Anne)

Architectural Control committee (ACC)
All ACC plans must still go through Oakland Homes. The HOA does not control the ACC. Only after the lots have been sold.
Number of lots left, about 12.

Oakland will relinquish control when all lots are built.

Rental Properties, Is renting allowed?
Question was asked. In Article IX, section 9, states:

Section 9. Leasing. Any lease between an Owner and a non-Owner occupant shall be in writing and shall provide that the terms of the lease shall be subject to all respects of the provisions of the Declaration, the Articles Incorporation, and the By-Laws of the Association, and shall provide that any failure by the Non-Owner occupant to comply with the terms of such document shall be default under the lease. Other than the foregoing, there shall be no restrictions of the use of a Living Unit my a non-Owner occupant.

Covenant Discussion
Process explained - processed emailed to Homeowners
The process uses City leverage, if applicable.

Feedback - discussion regarding complaints with ordinance, anonymous complaints (Not approaching Neighbors). Discussed problem someone nit-picking, without formal party. City does keep your name anonymous.

Someone commented that they don't want a type of neighborhood that hides behind the board to enforce covenant rules. It was acknowledged that some people don't like to be told that they are in violations of rules.

It was also discussed that consider that the complaining party will not be anonymous if legal action is taken. (This needs to be added to the process that the party filing the complaint is not anonymous, but during the complaint process their name is private.)

Some Homeowners would like to be notified prior to a formal complaint, others are not comfortable in doing so.

The board took the position that if you can have open communication or friendly relations with your neighbor, talk to them regarding the violation or issue, do so, but it's optional. (Update process to include, talking to neighbor about complaint, if comfortable in doing so.)

Fishing on Big Pond

The large and small ponds are private property. There is an easement for the park trail. Fishing has become an issue on Oaklands property as well as other's.

Chris Magnuseen to contact Oakland to put no trespassing signs, if necessary, in empty Lots so that city can allow enforcement. If people are on your property without permission, ask them to leave and notify them that they are trespassing, if they refuse, call 911 and explain the issue.

Sign Vehicles (work vehicles)
Parking issues, letters went out.
Discussed definition of reasonable work vehicles, dump trucks vs work vans.
HOA sent out guidelines, with signs, do neighbors mind? Some peoples work vehicles are their primary vehicle.

It was agreed by by the board and meeting attendees that work vans are not an issue.

Non-operative vehicles is not permitted.
Board members are not carrying around clipboards looking for violations.

Other Parking Issues
Please do not park or allow your guests to park in front of the mail boxes during the day, since mail will not be delivered.

HOA Projects
Staining Mailboxes
HS public service, HS students. Fix, busted mailbox. Bids/Volunteers – Bob Caron

Monument Cleanup
Organize project or pay landscapers. Volunteer is need to coordinate (Monument chair person), please contact Rob.

Open Board Positions
Dan's board position is up (1 year term). Note, the first year board terms were staggered, 1, 2, and 3 Year. Board positions after that are 3 year term. Board members involvement less then 5 hours a month.

Elected new Board member was elected - Chris Magnussen.
Thanks Dan for all your hard work setting up the HOA and involvement. Dan has graciously volunteered to continue to do our accounting (treasurer).

Open Discussions
Pet complaints - other association (Crow River Landings I) - Some pet owners from the park path are allow their pets to "go" on river properties.
Summer block party, are we going to have it? Yes.

Meeting ended 7:55pm

We had a great turn out! Thanks to all that attended.

Property Taxes

From Ann.H:

Just wanted to let some of you know - based on our Association Meeting last week....

Mark called the county offices to ask about our property taxes being the same or higher, even though housing values have fallen off. What it sounds like is that the values will come down...they are behind schedule in re-assessing housing values. Their current schedule is to have re-assessments done by October. This should affect our 2008 tax year. They stated that it is more likely than not, that they will re-value lower than the current amount. Any of you who have finished your basements or made any MAJOR improvements to your home may not see much of a drop (if any).

That's what we got. They seemed quite friendly, so if you have any further questions, call them.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Cleanup

The board has arranged for Waste Management to bring in a 30 yard dumpster the weekend of April 5th for resident use. This is a good opportunity to get rid of that crud that collects all winter long!

If the dumpster is full please don't heap it up, or leave things on the ground. We can arrange for this again late in April if the dumpster fills up fast...

The bin will be located in the open lot next to 11555 20th street as Oakland was kind enough to allow use of their property for the weekend.

PLEASE NOTE: You can not dispose of any of the following items. We will be fined, and will not repeat this next year.

5 MAJOR APPLIANCES (including microwaves)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I recently received a radon report from the Minnesota Radon Project. I thought I would share this information with our LACR community.

I found out about radon gas when I first moved to this state. I decided to test my basement for a long term test which is recommend type the Minnesota Radon Project.

So for 357 days I left the radon detector in my basement undisturbed. I finally sent the radon detector back to the project for reading. It's best to have a long term test since concentrations can vary from day to day, season to season, and year to year. Inside a house radon can vary from floor to floor and even room to room within a floor.

The Finding
The average radon concentration was 2.2 pCi/L in my basement.

What radon concentrations are safe?
Radon is a radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer. In a high radon area like Minnesota where the average home has 3 pCi/L, more people die from radon-induced lung cancer than from many other cancers; include those of skin, brain, bone, throat, stomach, and liver. The US Environmental Protection Agency recommends that you should take action to lower the radon in any living space that exceeds 4pCi/L. Most US houses have radon concentrations below 2pCi/L. Most houses with higher radon can be modified (mitigated) to lower their radon to below 2/Ci/L for a reasonable cost. This recommendation is based on the best available scientific evidence that indicates that your chance of getting lung cancer increases by 30% if you live for 20 years in a radon concentration of 4 pCi/L. The higher the radon concentration, the higher your lung cancer risk.

Test Your Home

If you want to test your home or find more information, please visit The Minnesota Radon Project website.

Chris Kovacs

Sunday, January 27, 2008

January Meeting

The Crow Landings II Home Owner Association
Meeting Started at 7:15

Meeting Frequency

Dan's one year term will be up on May 1. We will be voting the next time for a treasurer. Good to have "Quick Book" experience. The treasure need not be aboard member. The difficult part is already setup.

Signature Homes still has a large account balance due which should be
collected at the time of closing. As the Title company now notifies the Home Owners Association (HOA) when

Monument Costs
Power and Irrigation was being charge for both monuments (Crows
landing I and II) to our association. This has been corrected. Rob is
investigating billing our costs to the other HOA.

Extra Funds
Use of extra funds will be discussed at next meeting. A neighbor-
hood BBQ, staining mailboxes, and a Spring cleanup dumpster was discussed.
Work could be provided via Community Service from local High School students. Mailbox staining for example.

Email Status
Please provide/update your email addresses. This saves the HOA time and $$$ for postage and provides better communications. For email inquires and email updates for the HOA, use ""

General Questions to the HOA:

Christmas Contenst
And the winner of our first annual contest is:
Congratulations to the Emersons for winning our first
annual holiday decorating contest. Thanks to everyone
for participating.

Home Tax Re-assessments
Due to the housing slump, Sarah will be providing online steps
to have your home re-assessed for taxes. It's important that we
all keep our neighborhood in prime condition to keep the re-sale
value high.

Architectural Control Committee (ACC)
Oakland homes still controls the ACC. They due however, pass the
plans to the HOA board for joint approval.

Discussed HOA Accounts
Lock Box - The association uses a banking service to collect
the account funds. Reminder the payment address

Association Payments: ($171.00/6 Months)
TLCR II Homeowners Association
PO Box 75248
St. Paul, MN 55175-0248

The board encourages to pay every 6 months. This simplfies
the accounting process and the number of checks processed by
the bank and keeps our costs down.

No plans to increase fees.

Insurance fees which the HOA requires is $875 per year

Garbage Contract.

Please do not put extra Garbage out for pick up.

Dogs Issues
Discussion was brought up regarding owners and their dogs. Please
pick up after your dogs. Please do not allow your dog to "go"
in your neighbors yard. Complaints have been made about lawn
"burns" from dogs urinating and other messes. It's frustrating
for a home owner that takes are of their lawns only to find the
lawn burned and they don't have any pets.

Park Easement
Discussion was brought up regarding the park easement at the end
of 21st Street. Could be put a picnic table, or seat at the fork
in the path. This would need to be brought up to the city, since
they are responsible for this area.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:20

Closing Comments