The Crow Landings II Home Owner Association
Meeting Started at 7:15
Meeting Frequency
Dan's one year term will be up on May 1. We will be voting the next time for a treasurer. Good to have "Quick Book" experience. The treasure need not be aboard member. The difficult part is already setup.
Signature Homes still has a large account balance due which should be
collected at the time of closing. As the Title company now notifies the Home Owners Association (HOA) when
Monument Costs
Power and Irrigation was being charge for both monuments (Crows
landing I and II) to our association. This has been corrected. Rob is
investigating billing our costs to the other HOA.
Extra Funds
Use of extra funds will be discussed at next meeting. A neighbor-
hood BBQ, staining mailboxes, and a Spring cleanup dumpster was discussed.
Work could be provided via Community Service from local High School students. Mailbox staining for example.
Email Status
Please provide/update your email addresses. This saves the HOA time and $$$ for postage and provides better communications. For email inquires and email updates for the HOA, use ""
General Questions to the HOA:
Christmas Contenst
And the winner of our first annual contest is:
Congratulations to the Emersons for winning our first
annual holiday decorating contest. Thanks to everyone
for participating.
Home Tax Re-assessments
Due to the housing slump, Sarah will be providing online steps
to have your home re-assessed for taxes. It's important that we
all keep our neighborhood in prime condition to keep the re-sale
value high.
Architectural Control Committee (ACC)
Oakland homes still controls the ACC. They due however, pass the
plans to the HOA board for joint approval.
Discussed HOA Accounts
Lock Box - The association uses a banking service to collect
the account funds. Reminder the payment address
Association Payments: ($171.00/6 Months)
TLCR II Homeowners Association
PO Box 75248
St. Paul, MN 55175-0248
The board encourages to pay every 6 months. This simplfies
the accounting process and the number of checks processed by
the bank and keeps our costs down.
No plans to increase fees.
Insurance fees which the HOA requires is $875 per year
Garbage Contract.
Please do not put extra Garbage out for pick up.
Dogs Issues
Discussion was brought up regarding owners and their dogs. Please
pick up after your dogs. Please do not allow your dog to "go"
in your neighbors yard. Complaints have been made about lawn
"burns" from dogs urinating and other messes. It's frustrating
for a home owner that takes are of their lawns only to find the
lawn burned and they don't have any pets.
Park Easement
Discussion was brought up regarding the park easement at the end
of 21st Street. Could be put a picnic table, or seat at the fork
in the path. This would need to be brought up to the city, since
they are responsible for this area.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:20
Closing Comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
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